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Interview – Chris Proudfoot – Junior Data Engineer

Welcome to interview #3 in this series, where we interview Quorumites that have passed their probationary period and asking them to reflect on the first six months in their role. If you missed the first one with Abhi Jayanty from our data team, you can find that here.

Today we find out a bit more about Chris Proudfoot, a junior data engineer who recently joined the data team and how he found his first 6 months at Quorum.

How were you introduced to Quorum? 

I was introduced by one of my current colleagues, Jonathan Parker. I previously worked in Code Clan as an instructor, teaching people how to analyse data using open-source programming languages and Jonathan was one of the students that I had taught.

Jonathan later got a job with Quorum and was singing their praises. He was in data engineering which I was keen to break into rather than data analysis. He said the support and learning in Quorum was next level and so I decided to throw my hat in the ring.


What have you been up to in your first 6 months?

I started off learning the new technologies that I would be using and working with the team to learn more about tools like Power BI.

I got my head down and did a lot of studying and gained certifications, so I was very comfortable when I moved onto client work.

Since then, I’ve been working on a variety of client work and some internal projects, it’s been really enjoyable.


Any notable or unusual moments from your first 6 months?

Unusual? Probably all the people I work with!

Joking aside, my team are amazing to work with and they’ll do anything for you. They’ve really helped with my learning and it’s just nice to work with good people, it makes the job a lot easier.

The other thing I’ve noted is the amount of time and effort that Quorum puts into their employees; even newer ones like me. I’ve had so much support and the fact we get our certifications paid for really pushes us to learn.

I’ve also been allowed to attend a couple of excellent conferences that the company have funded. There’s a lot of investment into staff that you don’t see in other businesses which is brilliant.


What advice would you give to anyone that would like to work at Quorum?

I would just say, honestly, be yourself and be kind. If you’re a good person, you’ll do well in the application process.

There’s less focus on having exact knowledge and experience. I know in my team, James Frost (Quorum’s Data Director) really focusses on team fit.

The general consensus is that you can learn what you need to so long as you’re motivated and if you’re willing to push yourself, then that’s really what they are looking for.


Finally, what would you like to achieve in your next 6 months?

Preferably a jump up to CEO? But more likely, probably more progression and look at moving up a level.

I’d like to do some more learning too. I’ve predominantly been focussed on PowerBI recently and so I’d like to spread my knowledge, I’ve spoken to the team about it, and they’re keen to support me in that.

That’s the beauty of working in my team, it’s relatively small, but there’s extensive knowledge to tap into and the chance to make sideways moves.

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