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Interview – Ruaridh Stern-Mackintosh – Service Delivery Manager

Welcome to interview #4 in this series, where we speak to Quorumites that have passed their probationary period and asking them to reflect on the first six months in their role. If you missed our last interview with Chris Proudfoot from our data team, you can find that here.

Today we find out a bit more about Ruaridh Stern-Mackintosh, a Service Delivery Manager who recently joined our Managed Services team and how he has found his first six months at Quorum.

What is your role in Quorum?

I am a Service Delivery Manager (SDM) for two of our legal clients, with a four day and one day split. They’re two very different roles. One has a good deal more of the management side of things, so effectively acting as their head of IT, so in many respects, I’m the customer to Quorum, while simultaneously being a member of the Quorum team.

While the other client requires me to be in a much more traditional SDM role where I’m organising and overseeing changes, making sure the right people are introduced for projects, looking at the service management piece and continual service improvement and all that jazz!

It’s a very diverse role, but it’s been fantastic so far.

What Is Your Roll in Quorum

How have you dealt with joining Quorum and immediately being on site with your clients?

It’s been interesting, but it’s something I’m very much used to. I’m the type of person that just likes to get stuck in, so being given some clients and being able to dive right in has been fantastic. Quorum as an organisation has been fantastic, the people are great. One of the biggest things that has struck me (and in fairness, this was something that was promised), is the support that’s there and the quality of people.

There are pros and cons to every workplace, but I’ve had some less-than-ideal experiences in the past where everything was down to me and I had very little support and Quorum offered something very different. There’s been some challenges, but it’s refreshing that I get to build the team as I want it and the support is there, there are other people here that can help so that I can focus on the core of my job.

On Site with Clients

What has been the most notable moment of your first 6 months?

I’ve sort of covered it in the previous question, but the staff culture is really nice and that really stands out. People will socialise together and Quorum also provides opportunities to do that without you constantly having to put your hand in your own pocket. That’s been massive.

On the client side of things, a big win for me was in relation to quite a complicated process that one of our clients has and having the Head of HR thank us and feedback that this is the smoothest it’s ever been, is a real standout moment for me. It proves that things are going in the right direction and we’re doing the right thing. To get that positive feedback is nice for not only me, but a massive accolade to the team in terms of their hard work.

Notable Moments in Quorum

What would you like to achieve in your next 6 months?

Probably getting my clients to the very precise level of organisation that I want! That sounds very broad, but there are things that I want in place that will just make things easier. It’s really about having the business continuity in play that allows us to weather anything unforeseen that comes along. By putting in the hard work now it’ll make things a lot easier and create even more stability for the team.

But overall it’s been great so far and I really appreciate it. To be somewhere that you can drop a question into a chat and ask “have you heard of this, what would you do in this situation?” and not only do people come back with an answer, but they’re willing to pitch in and make sure it happens, it really makes all the difference.

So yeah, I’m hoping it all continues that way for the foreseeable!

Achieve in the next 6 months
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