Law firm improves business performance with full Managed Service
Lindsays are a highly-regarded Scottish firm of Solicitors and Estate Agents, providing a wide range of legal services for individuals, families and businesses. They are a full-service firm with 45 partners and over 200 staff across 4 sites.
Cost, Complexity and Workload
Lindsays faced challenges with the costs and complexity of maintaining IT and BI systems in a growing business Having worked closely with James Frost, Quorum Legal’s Managing Director, for a number of years, Lindsays recognised that Quorum’s expert IT and industry knowledge would be a good fit.
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Quorum implemented a fully managed IT service supporting all of Lindsays business applications and the underlying infrastructure. Quorum has end to end responsibility for the service, which includes proactive service monitoring, 3rd party supplier management, IT strategy and IT Project delivery. Quorum also attends monthly Management Board meetings to report and advise.
Quorum brings a wide range of skills and an experienced team that can seamlessly slot in and out as required”- Ian Beattie, Chief Operating Officer, Lindsays
Enabling Growth
Outsourcing their IT function has allowed Lindsays to scale their IT and Operations to deal with their growing workload, including mergers with three other firms and expansions in office space. There are clear roles and lines of responsibility and Lindsays management team and employees are free to concentrate on running the business.
Proactive Support
“A lot of the success of our IT strategy lies in the parts that no one sees”, says Ian.
He gives an example of an email issue that was picked up by Quorum. The problem was run past Ian, promptly fixed overnight and operation began as normal the next morning.
“In the old days we’d have lost data and time, but the issue was just found and fixed with no hassle and our partners and staff had no idea.“
Ian is Lindsays’ Chief Operating Officer and plays a central role on their Management Board. His key focus is the firm’s financial and operational performance.
Lindsays has grown and diversified significantly in recent years and Ian is charged with ensuring that this growth and change is managed effectively to bring optimum benefits to the firm’s clients and staff.
Lasting Relationship
Quorum has also developed a customised management portal to provide business advice, analysis and reporting and identify key areas for improvement. Quorum and Lindsays have a strong working relationship. Beattie concludes, “this new way of working is very robust.“
Contact us today to see how we can Improve your business with Full Managed Service.

18 Greenside Lane Edinburgh
Phone: +44 131 652 3954