by Pamela | Dec 5, 2023 | Identity Access Management, Managed Service, Microsoft Advanced Specialisation, Microsoft Advanced Specialisations, Office 365, Security, Uncategorised
We are thrilled to announce that Quorum has obtained the Microsoft Advanced Partner Specialisation for Threat Protection! This is a recognition of our ability to deliver high-quality solutions and services that help our customers protect their data and identities from...
by Darren | Dec 4, 2023 | Managed Service, Microsoft Advanced Specialisation, Microsoft Advanced Specialisations, Office 365, One Quorum, Security
Microsoft Ignite 2023 – Our Key Takeaways Ross McLachlan and Colin Beveridge represented Quorum at this year’s Microsoft Ignite Conference 2023 (#MSIgnite) in Seattle. The event provided a unique opportunity to connect with Microsoft’s foremost...
by Darren | Jun 2, 2022 | Microsoft Advanced Specialisation, Office 365, Uncategorised, Working from Home
Microsoft Teams and Telephony – Flexibility and Collaboration. The past few years have brought unexpected and rapid change to many organisations. As a result, we have faced the challenge of making home-working a reality, while balancing the unpredictable nature of a...
by Darren | Sep 9, 2021 | Microsoft Advanced Specialisation
Quorum are proud to announce that we have been awarded the Microsoft Calling for Teams Advanced Specialisation. The Calling for Microsoft Teams advanced specialisation allows partners with an active Microsoft Gold Cloud Productivity competency to further differentiate...